Thursday, July 5, 2012

Surfed Trail 1 today, but got there kinda late; 10 am or so. High tide was at 11:42 am so I had to be quick to the beach in order to ride some waves before the tide completely shut down the place. Mike was just getting out of the water as I was entering the water. Just me in the line up for the first 20 mins. or so. My first wave was awesome, had some punch and speed down the line. I cranked a good bottom turn, came off the top, did it again, cut back, then kicked out. Great start for me. Had a couple of spaz attacks on 2 waves, where I didn't get up quickly and couldn't straighten my back to full extension, so I kinda crashed and burned. Nothing is more frustrating than to catch that first wave, rip it really well, then follow that up with, what would look to an innocent observer, a crappy ride or wipe out. Oh well, being 61 has its downside, on occasion. All in all, I had some amazing waves and rides and was pleased with my last ride of the day.

After drying off and changing from my spring suit to my boardshorts, I grabbed my i-Pod, drank a protein drink and proceeded to pick up trash on the beach. Big pet peeve of mine, for sure. I once read an article by Steve Pezman who said that every person who goes to the beach, especially surfers, should pick up 10 pcs. of trash before they leave. My brother and I do this a lot. I never see any other surfers doing this at Trails. It's too bad, because we all share the ocean and beach, and we should respect it enough to be its caretaker. The beach doesn't clean itself, folks. The pictures above are of typical items that either wash up on the beach or are left by beach goers. The most common items I pick up are mylar balloons, straws, plastic water bottle caps, styrofoam, and kids' sand toys. Not only does it dirty the beach, but the animals and fish are harmed or killed by ingesting this crap. Do your part to clean up the beach and ocean and if you see anyone disrespecting the beach and ocean, say something to them. Maybe they're just ignorant, or.... they need a wake up call. Either which way, do your best to make sure your beach is as clean and safe as you can make it.

This was a smaller set coming thru with the tide at its peak. Still good shape. There was still a shoulder high set coming thru every now and then, but it was better when I paddled out. This photo was taken after I surfed for an hour. Other folks come down to trails to share the beach, including fishermen. I keep saying to myself that I should bring fishing gear down and fish after I surf. Great way to spend the day, although I know almost nothing about fishing, especially shore fishing.

These are some of the locals who inhabit trails; pelicans, seals(both in the picture), dolphins, sharks, and fish. It's such a neat eco system down there. These are the critters we help, when we clean up the beach. They're all better surfers than we are, so help your brothers/sisters out! I haven't blogged for a while, so I hope this day finds you well and happy.

Over and Out,
scooter surfs


  1. Nice blog today...was a fun some fast ripping waves...glad you had a good session...always nice when you're out by yourself, or with a couple other people...and don't feel bad...I've done that stink bug a few times after catching some ripping waves...but mostly happens after sitting for a while when there is a big lull and I get I end up "fallen and can't get up" HAHAHA...have had some epic session alone...Tuesday was like that...clean...peaky 3+ A-frames all to was good too..and FYI...I usually pick the trash up on my way down...not after...but sometimes...again good blog today...those pics of that trash make me ill...and our oceans ecosystem even more's plain wrong...peace out

  2. Good blog Pops....And I'm going to make a commitment to pick up trash when I see it down there! By the way Sunday through Wednesday I can surf in the morning....let me know if any of those days work for you. Are we brewing on Wednesday also?

  3. I love watching the locals surf!
